
The article is devoted to improving the legal regulation of health care in Ukraine in the light of European integration processes, using the experience of Germany. This issue is relevant both in Ukraine and abroad, as the health care systems of many countries are currently in need of improvement and indepth research, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
 As a country with a vector to join the European Union, Ukraine must meet precise criteria for membership in this economic and political union and continue to reform the health care system. This article discusses the main German regulations concerning the health care system. The main problems that arise during medical services and their financing are summarized. The newest aspects of health care development are considered; in particular, the influence of digitalization on the development of health care, in general, is studied. The emergence, development, and further prospects of digitalization in Germany and Ukraine are analyzed in detail. The latest information and electronic technologies are mentioned, based on which there is a direct connection between patients, healthcare professionals and other participants in relations in healthcare field.
 Initiatives for digitalization in European countries, including Germany, which are gradually improving the functioning of the electronic health care system in Germany, are considered because the Federal Ministry of Health receives feedback from consumers of innovative technologies, namely ePa, eHealth, and others. The introduction of new technologies is not unilateral but rather bilateral because citizens can express their views on the functioning of the new electronic system. Ukraine, in turn, is adopting the experience of Germany and implementing it in our electronic healthcare system.
 The conclusion is made about perspective directions of state regulation in the sphere of reforming the health care system in Ukraine, taking into account the European experience. Particular attention is paid to highlighting what Ukraine can borrow from Germany to improve its health care system and ensure and improve the quality of medical services.

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