
That article studies the questions on the legal nature, significance and grounds of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (hereinafter - CCU) and of doctrinal interpretation as well as their interconnection. The author analyzes the types of interpretation by the subject and notes that among the subjects of the official interpretation the Constitutional Court plays an important role, while for the informal interpretation the doctrinal interpretation is crucial. The paper defines the legal basis for exercising of the right of interpretation by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, as a specific body, which is the latter at national level aimed at exercising exclusive special powers in protecting the rights and fundamental freedoms of human and citizen. It is stated that the CCU is a quasi-legislative body whose acts are binding and have the features of a source of law, the paradigm of its activity is determined, first of all, by the rule of law and then by the supremacy of the Constitution of Ukraine. The article also pays attention to the ratio between the legal positions and decisions of the CCU.
 The article analyzes the changes of the legislation on the activity of the CCU in the context of reducing the power to interpret laws, limiting it only to the right to interpret the Constitution of Ukraine.
 The author also emphasizes that as the subject of court interpretation may act a scientist who interprets a certain norm of law and works as a judge of the CCU. In this case, the interpretation is based on the results of a scientific research for a judge. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine can to some extent be considered as “subjects of doctrinal interpretation”, especially taking into account the fact that these days there are many legal scientists, scientists with academic degrees and titles working at the posts of judges and performing scientific and judicial activity at the same time.
 The author also studies certain aspects of the doctrinal interpretation and the definition of its role and significance in the historical aspect on the example of different states. Questions on the ratio between doctrinal and court interpretation are also paid attention by the author.
 It is noted that, in general, in Ukraine scientific doctrine is not recognized as an official source of law, but at the same time plays an important role in the formation of legal consciousness, worldview and lawmaking. Therefore, it can be noted basing on the results of the analysis of legal norms and court practice, that many doctrinal legal positions over time are reflected both in the rulemaking process and in court decisions, turning into court legal provisions.


  • The article is devoted to the study of the formation of the theory of the legal system in legal science

  • The third stage in the development of the theory of law is characterized system, which begins at the beginning of the second decade of the XXI century. and continues to this day. t this stage, the interpenetration of ideas, provisions, conclusions about the development of the legal system within the legal sciences and areas that study the legal systems: the theory of state and law, comparative law, international law, philosophy of law is increasingly being traced

  • This stage is characterized by the search for answers to the question of approximation of the domestic legal system to European law; the mechanism of interaction between the national legal system and the EU legal system; features of systematization and unification of legislation at the stage of legal integration; directions of transformation and modernization of the legal system of Ukraine in the context of European integration and globalization, etc

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Роль, значення та підстави тлумачення Конституційного Суду... ПРАВОВА ПРИРОДА, РОЛЬ, ЗНАЧЕННЯ ТА ПІДСТАВИ ТЛУМАЧЕННЯ КОНСТИТУЦІЙНОГО СУДУ І ДОКТРИНАЛЬНОГО ТЛУМАЧЕННЯ, ЇХ ВЗАЄМОЗВЯЗОК Метою даної роботи є визначення правової природи, значення та підстав тлумачення Конституційного Суду і доктринального тлумачення та їх взаємозв’язку. Позиція щодо пріоритетності Конституційного Суду України у сфері офіційного обов’язкового тлумачення норм права підтримується і вченими[2].

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