The article is focused on the interaction between the Ukrainian courts of general jurisdiction and the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the area of the protection of human rights. There is emphasized that their independent functioning does not provide for the efficient protection of individual rights and freedoms and significantly increases the number of the judicial recourses of the Ukrainian citizens to the European Court of Human Rights. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the protection of human rights, which combines the functions of the constitutional control and constitutional supervision. Its activities are focused on the official interpretation on the Constitution of Ukraine. Attention is paid to the list those who may bring the actions before the Constitutional Court, which includes apart from the state bodies the natural and legal persons. The is mentioning of the issues on initiating of proceedings before the Court. Also broadly is analyzed Constitutional Court’ activities concerning the interpretation of the Constitution in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights and other international agreements dealing with the protection of human rights. The article stresses on the contribution of other Ukrainian courts in the affirmation of the constitutional concept of the protection of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine. The majority of resolutions of such highest judicial body in the system of courts of general jurisdiction as the Supreme Court of Ukraine concern the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. As it is emphasized in the article the independent functioning on the Constitutional Court and the courts of general jurisdiction does not provide for the cooperation between both branches of courts. Courts of general jurisdiction feel free as to the appeal to the Constitutional Court. Even when such appeals are directed to Constitutional Court the decisions of the letter are not binding to the courts of general jurisdiction. Special attention is paid to the introduction of the institute of constitutional complaint and its positive effect on the judicial mechanism of the protection of human rights in Ukraine.
Ukrainian courts play the key role in the protection of human rights in the country
As the European Convention on Human Rights and other international treaties in this area form a part of the Ukrainian legislation they are used by the Constitutional Court and other national courts in their practice
This is very important for maintaining in Ukraine the European standards of the protection of human rights
Стаття присвячена взаємодії українських судів загальної юрисдикції та Конституційного суду України в сфері захисту прав людини. Переважна більшість постанов такої вищої судової установи у системі судів загальної юрисдикції як Верховний суд України стосується рішень Європейського суду з прав людини. Як зазначається у статті незалежне функціонування Конституційного суду і судів загальної юрисдикції не сприяє співробітництву обох гілок судових установ. Навіть коли подаються апеляції до Конституційного суду його рішення не є обов’язковими для судів загальної юрисдикції. Статья посвящена взаимодействию украинских судов общей юрисдикции и Конституционного суда Украины в сфере защиты прав человека. Преобладающее большинство постановлений такого высшего судебного органа в системе судов общей юрисдикции как Верховный суд Украины касается решений Европейского суда по правам человека. The judicial system of Ukraine consists of two branches of courts that function separately and independently These are the Constitutional court and the courts of general jurisdiction. The mechanism for such cooperation is provided by the Law of Ukraine of 1996 “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” [1]
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