
In the article, the authors study the legal means of fight against corruption in the context of modern requirements, including all components that directly or indirectly affect the reduction of its level: anti[1]corruption policy is reflected as a consistent and systematic activity of the state and civil society institutions aimed at the development and sustainable implementation of comprehensive measures to prevent, limit and eliminate this negative phenomenon. Reducing the manifestations, causes and conditions that cause corruption; the creation of law is considered as the final stage of legal formation, during which the main goal is to analyze and evaluate the existing legal reality, views and concepts about the future of Legal Regulation, the formation of the legal foundations of anti-corruption policy. Implementation of law as a targeted activity of subjects of anti-corruption legal relations to implement the norms of anti-corruption legislation; legal incentives as a means of influencing corruption manifestations; the conceptual apparatus of legal restrictions, which perform the function of deterrence when influencing corruption relations, has been clarified. It is proposed to define the definitions of “corruption”, “anti-corruption policy”, “legal instruments”. Considering the nature, dual nature of corruption, the direction of systematization of the types and forms of its manifestation is determined. In the fight against corruption, the formulation of the purpose and content of its basic principles and legal means of fight against corruption was considered, allowing to determine specific areas of activity of the state and society.

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