
The article is devoted to the philosophical and legal problems of the value aspects of the legal behavior of minors, which involves a constant influence on a person with the aim of forming a legal culture and active lawful behavior.
 It was found that legal education occupies a central place in the formation of a law-abiding citizen who not only does not violate the legal norms of society, but also strives to preserve the harmony of the natural-legal space and the state-legal field based on the norms of natural and positive law.
 It was emphasized that today the realities of war have shown Ukrainians the importance of national- patriotic education of youth. No less important is the education of the young generation in respect for the law and the state, but this process should not take place chaotically, but at the level of introducing innovations in the educational space, a system of national-patriotic and legal education should be implemented. The loss of value-legal connections and landmarks during the war is a problematic aspect in the process of legal education of minors, as it can lead to the deformation of legal consciousness and the formation of deviant behavior of young people.
 Children must understand what state they live in, what rights and responsibilities are, what is the difference between lawful and unlawful behavior, and what sanctions the state can apply to citizens, even minors, for violating the rules of law and the law. It is important to involve specialists in this process, namely: representatives of juvenile prevention units, psychologists, and social workers.
 Attention is focused on the need for legal education of children from among internally displaced persons during the period of adaptation in a new place of residence, with the aim of legitimate socialization.
 It is noted that the legal status of the child is guaranteed and protected at the international and national level. The child has rights, but it is necessary to teach the child to use his rights, to teach in accordance with his age, his mental and psychological characteristics. Particular attention has always been paid to the peculiarities of legal education in Ukraine. As for minors, starting with the family, preschool institutions, schools and ending with institutions of higher education (primary courses), children received an idea and understanding of what the norms of behavior are, what morality and law are.

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