
The paper is devoted to the study of e-commerce as an innovative way to implement a wide range of commercial relations remotely, and the readiness of the legal framework of the international community and Ukraine in particular to abandon traditional forms of doing business in favor of its digitalization. The paper examines US e-commerce law as a reference example of the progressive legal field of relationships emerging on the Internet. The paper reveals the key stages of development of e-commerce and the implementation of commercial relations in general. The paper also considers the regulations of governing the main aspects of e-commerce. The paper pays special attention to the analysis of the identification of obstacles and readiness of the international and Ukrainian legal framework for the formation of a safe environment for the free implementation of e-commerce. Аs the role of e-commerce in international trade is significant. In some countries, it reaches more than 50% of all purchases (for example, the United States and the United Kingdom). The future of international trade is closely linked to the development of e-commerce, as its advantages are obvious over traditional forms of trade. Evidence of this can be the forecasts of analysts. E-commerce in international trade today plays an important role, as the Internet has become an effective intermediary between merchants around the world. International transactions in goods and services have been transformed throughout the supply chain. E-commerce is a major driver of economic growth in both developed and developing countries. The low cost of concluding contracts on the Internet allows companies of all sizes to expand their sales abroad and look for suppliers through Internet commerce. But the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into international business operations provides new opportunities and new challenges for businesses, governments, consumers and international organizations.

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