
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed, especially in women, accounting for more than 1 in 10 new cancer diagnoses each year. Physical examination, imaging and biopsy must be done to diagnose breast cancer.1,2 Staging is performed to define prognosis and guide treatment recommendations for patients with a similar prognosis. Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy are the systemic therapies used in breast cancer management. The therapies option are has an side effect, especially chemotherapy. Chemotherapy induced neutropenia is a common toxicity caused by the administration of anticancer drugs. This side effect are life-threatening infections and alter the chemotherapy schedule.
 Case presentation: A female 50-years-old patient with left breast cancer on chemotherapy. She already has 3 times chemotherapy session and now had a fever with leucocyte result is 520 mg/dl and neutrophilia is 1.9 mg/dl. The patient has a history of painless lump in left breast since 11 months ago and growing proggresive. From physical examination, the lump with an ulcer with size 6x7x3cms and palpable hard consistency lump size is 8x8x5cms with irreguler edges and immobile. Patient had a biopsy examination with result invasive carcinoma ; high grade. From chest xray and USG Abdomen no finding sign of metastatic. Patient had an neo adjuvant chemotherapy
 Conclusion: Breast cancer is cancer of the breast tissue. Risk factors for breast cancer are divided into two, namely risk factors that cannot be changed (gender, age, genetic factors, previous cancer history, race and ethnicity, menstrual history and history of chest radiation) and those that can be changed (history of contraception, history of pregnancy, hormone therapy after menopause, breastfeeding, alcohol consumption, and obesity). Therapy for breast cancer is divided into five, namely surgical therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, biologic therapy, and hormonal therapy. The goal of breast cancer therapy is to increase the survival rate and quality of life of patients.

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