Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are the unconventional and latest means of education in the present society. MOOCs are the strong alternative to traditional education and latest development in the area of open and distance learning. MOOCs are the online courses which are delivered with little rigidity in place of learning, time of learning, pace of learning, etc. Learning management in MOOCs is one of the prime features of MOOCs that helps for the delivery of MOOCs. Learning management in MOOCs plays a vital role for the success of MOOCs. The stakeholders of MOOCs must be well conversant with different aspects of learning management in MOOCs for achieving the success of the MOOCs. Referring to these contexts, in the present paper, thematic discussions have been made on different aspects of learning management in MOOCs. In the paper, special emphasis in discussion is given on different components of learning management in MOOCs, learning management in different platforms of MOOCs, and issues in learning management in MOOCs.
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