
Due to the scarcity of annotated samples, the diversity between support set and query set becomes the main obstacle for few shot semantic segmentation. Most existing prototype-based approaches only exploit the prototype from the support feature and ignore the information from the query sample, failing to remove this obstacle.In this paper, we proposes a dual prototype network (DPNet) to dispose of few shot semantic segmentation from a new perspective. Along with the prototype extracted from the support set, we propose to build the pseudo-prototype based on foreground features in the query image. To achieve this goal, the cycle comparison module is developed to select reliable foreground features and generate the pseudo-prototype with them. Then, a prototype interaction module is utilized to integrate the information of the prototype and the pseudo-prototype based on their underlying correlation. Finally, a multi-scale fusion module is introduced to capture contextual information during the dense comparison between prototype (pseudo-prototype) and query feature. Extensive experiments conducted on two benchmarks demonstrate that our method exceeds previous state-of-the-arts with a sizable margin, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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