
The children with slow learning, Children with language disorders (Reading Writing and spelling disorders) and children with physical and mental disability these children's physical needs, social, psychological and instructional needs are entirely different from normal children they need special materials, instructional techniques and facilities to compensate their disabilities or to promote their abilities with in the class room or outside the class room of normal schools and special school I. Introduction Education is the fundamental right of citizens of India irrespective of their caste, creed, colour and sex. The same is applicable to the children with abilities and disabilities. In the western world, a good literature in the form of books, identification and assessment tools, well structured and organized educational programmes and rehabilitation services are available for individuals with abilities and disabilities. In India such things are scanty, and people are not aware of the needs of special children and even the available programmes are not reaching the needy. Even after 50 years of independence, the Government of India has not achieved the objective of Universalisation of Elementary Education/Primary Education. These childrens physical needs, social, psychological and instructional needs are entirely different from normal (average) children. They need special materials, instructional techniques and facilities to compensate their disabilities or to promote their abilities within the classroom or outside the classrooms of normal schools and special schools. Special Education is nothing but the specially designed instructional programmes, which are applied to exceptional children such as physically handicapped, hearing impaired, visually impaired and orthopedically handicapped children, and mentally retarded, gifted slow learners and children with learning difficulties. These instructional programmes are different from the education of normal children but they are equally good to educate normal children.

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