
Unlike in the past nowadays a lot of online resources for learning English have become more accessible and even free. The advancement of digital technology makes it possible to create user friendly learning applications and various formats of learning materials. The users of these online resources are not only limited to learners but also teachers. Teachers can choose and adjust the materials for their students without having to create them from the scratch themselves. Learners can also benefit from these free resources; with some guidance and recommendation from teachers they can make use of these learning materials. However, learners can also choose the resources to their need as well as pace their own learning. This descriptive study investigated the students’ perception towards learning English using online resources. There were 25 final year students participating in this study. A survey was conducted to glean the subjects’ opinions on their learning process using the online resources. The e-resources assigned were chosen from various websites related to the main and sub skills for iBT TOEFL tests since they took the iBT TOEFL Preparation class. The online exercises on the subskills such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar were also assigned to support their main skills. Aside from the survey, a group-focused interview was also conducted to confirm the subjects’ responses in the survey. The result indicates a positive attitude among the learners towards the use of online resources during their learning in that semester. Convenience and flexibility of using online resources are the strong points for this positive perception. However, the instability of internet connection sometimes hampered the smooth learning in accessing the resources. Another finding indicates that only self-study using online resources is found to be insufficient; the combination of independent learning and teachers or tutors’ guidance seems necessary if they are to take the official iBT TOEFL test

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