
In learning from the heroic deeds of martyr Zhang Zhixin, everyone who is determined to dedicate his life to the revolution will be deeply impressed by her earthshaking spirit of dedication. After the emotional storm calms down in one, one may naturally ask: As an ordinary Party member, how was she able to see through appearances to get at the essence under such intricate and complex circumstances? How could she dare to launch an uncompromising struggle against such huge monsters as Lin Biao and the Gang of Four? There can be different answers to this. But fundamentally she was a thorough materialist imbued with an invincible revolutionary spirit. Whether in the letters she wrote to her relatives and friends, in the materials she wrote in prison, or in the struggle she carried out against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, there glittered everywhere the dazzling light of her revolutionary dialectics, dealing fatal blows to the most covert of the specious Marxists, and to idealism and metaphysics of all ...

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