
The article is devoted to the changes in ideological attitudes in the USSR in the late 1920s – 1930s, when there happened gradual abandonment of the ideas of creating “proletarian culture” and criticism of the cultural heritage of the pre-revolutionary era in favor of its selective adoption in the interests of building a strong state, while the main goal still remained the achievement of communist ideals. A state capable of defending its position on the world stage could not exist without recognizing the important role of statesmen of the past and present. That turn occurred gradually, it found a positive response in the mass consciousness and its scope increased over time, for example, recognition of the signifi cance of literary classics was expressed in a large-scale anniversary campaign. However, the “rehabilitation” of the past was selective and fulfi lled, fi rst of all, the tasks of strengthening the existing socio-political system, which resulted in unifi cation in the cultural sphere, the proclamation of socialist realism as the only possible creative method.

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