
The study aimed at analysing the impact of high lead concentrations on the morphological integrity and the stress protein hsp70 and hsp60 levels during postembryonic development of the oribatid mite, Archegozetes longisetosus. Independent of the treatment, the recorded hsp70 levels were far higher than the hsp60 levels in all investigated stages. There was a tendency towards lower hsp70 and hsp60 levels with proceeding development (deutonymph > tritonymph > adult) in untreated animals. Both the hsp70 and hsp60 levels in all investigated quiescent stages prior to moult were higher than in the corresponding active stages independent from lead exposure. Continuous lead treatment from the larval stage onwards caused malformation of the 4th pair of legs and, in parallel, a shift to elevated hsp70 (but not hsp60) levels in all subsequent stages, compared to controls. Neither effects occurred when continuous lead treatment started later in development. In this case, elevated hsp60 levels could particularly be found in those stages respectively following the initially exposed stage. The hsp70 response became obvious even quicker in tritonymphs and adults, where hsp70 level peaks could be observed right in those stages the lead exposure had started in.

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