
In the current competitive world, success is by no means easy. Things change very fast. Decisions are made timely. It is very important that every organization has a leader who is able to take care of things, make the right decisions in a timely manner, and put the right person in the right position. It's not an easy task. People change, change their priorities, the situation changes. Depending on the circumstances, a leader should be able to quickly make decisions that are effective. With the help of various studies, observations and research, students from various universities have come up with different leading styles. Keeping this in mind, a leader should get the most out of the employees and not ignore the situations around them. Situations play a very important role in the performance of team members. A leader plays an important role in motivating everyone's behavior in the organization. There are many definitions for the work leader. Leadership can be defined as the empowerment of individuals, a technique of influence on people and employees, helps everyone in the team to gain knowledge and make them develop individually and professionally. Leaders are responsible for identifying the goals the organization should achieve and also to set strategies for this purpose.

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