
I first met Jack Dixon more than thirty-five years ago. He was a teacher in the Hasting County School Board. Over the years I have come to know him as an energetic, dynamic, creative individual who is forever extremely pleasant and collegial. During his career he sponsored many innovate leadership initiatives and has influenced the shape of education in Hasting County and the Province. His career in education is varied. He has served as a teacher, consultant, counselor, vice-principal and principal in schools and taught at Brock University and now Loyalist College. Much of his career has been devoted to the development and application of innovation in schools particularly new programs that further the boundaries of how education services are delivered within the institutional setting. If I were to provide Jack with a motto it would be that there are no boundaries only challenges. We met for a day and I interviewed Jack about his thoughts on leadership in schools. What he had to say could very easily become a book on leadership in education and in the community at large. What follows is my summary of aspects of that interview.

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