
Although numerous conceptual and empirical studies have suggested that leader humility be beneficial in organizations, other researchers state that such a follower-centered style might be seen as a weakness of leaders and thus impede leadership effectiveness. Additionally, because the current research scope of leader humility is limited to subjective and individual outcomes (i.e., job satisfaction or supervisor-rated performance), its strategic and practical implications still remain unclear. In this symposium, we include four empirical papers that explore [1] the moderating factors and [2] the strategic and practical implications of leader humility effectiveness in organizations. Following the presentations, Brad Owens, a researcher in humility studies, and James Emrich, an experienced leadership consultant will serve as the discussants to provide both theoretical and practical suggestions and lead an interactive group discussion. Cross-Cultural Comparison of Humility and Charismatic Leadership: Status Incongruences as Moderato Presenter: Amy Y. Ou; National U. of Singapore Presenter: Qin Su; Chinese U. of Hong Kong Presenter: Chia-Yen Chiu; U. at Buffalo, the State U. of New York Presenter: Bradley Paul Owens; Brigham Young U. Do Humble Leaders Affect All Followers Similarly? The Role of Power Distance Presenter: Michael A Daniels; Singapore Management U. Presenter: Gary Greguras; Singapore Management U. Presenter: Michael Bashshur; Singapore Management U. Presenter: Burak Oc; Pompeu Fabra U. CEO Humility: Development of an Unobtrusive Measure and Strategic Implications Presenter: Marie Michele Beauchesne; Florida International U. Presenter: Nathan J. Hiller; Florida International U. Cross-Level Interactive Effects between Proactive Personality and Humble Leadership Presenter: Shuhua Sun; Maastricht U.

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