
Christine Le Bozec, Republican conceptions : the opportunists (Boissy d'Anglas, Lanjuinais, Durand de Maillane...). On 14 Germinal Year III, the Convention elected an eleven-member commission. They became the final editors of the Constitution of Year III. Observing their political trajectory, past and future, and their discourse at the time, Christine Le Bozec establishes the unity of their social conceptions (e.g., the Nation must be led by its "best" — in other words, property holders ; equality is to be limited to the civil domain) and of their institutional conceptions. However, they diverged over conceptions of the Republic. For some, the Republic had simply been a means of defense, among other possibilities at another time, of the ideals of 1789. For the others, former Girondins, the Republic was the only possible régime.

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