
The response of oligochaete communities to heavy domestic and industrial pollution in a small stream, the Riou Mort, was investigated. The presence of a characteristic community (Tubifex tubifex, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, L. udekemianus, L. claparedeanus , Nais elinguis) was accompanied by a reduction in the number of species, by a marked increase in den­ sity, and by a standardisation of populations between the lotic and lenitic aspects. The validation of certain structural indices (of diversity or dominance) applied to only the oligochaetes and of several specific parameters for this group is discussed. In the case of the Riou Mort, it is apparent that simple parameters (den­ sity, number of species, proportion of diverse families, etc.) are an adequate indication of the environmental conditions, and the oligochaetes are useful for classifying different levels of severe pollution. The tolerance of Lumbricillus rivalis, Pnstina idrensis and Trichodrilus allobrogum is emphasised.

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