
Art is a powerful means to promote the values of respect and tolerance and a culture of acceptance of disability in a society, on the one hand, art could be used as a therapeutic means of neurological disorders, on the other hand. Disability has become a multidimensional subject, in fact, human technical and cultural development has changed our conception of disability. All the fields interfere, the socio-political field, the economy, the sport, the medicine, the art... etc. The artist, like the thinkers in a society, has a privileged place in this multicultural world. Through this manuscript, we report on the unique experience in the Arab and African world of an artistic event that addresses the issue of disability. The topics are multiple: learning disabilities, visual disorders, motor disorders... etc. Through these topics, the organizers raise awareness of the general public and civil servants in particular, in order to change their view on disability. This policy would allow the development of public policies to improve the participation of people with disabilities in the development of society. The audience is constantly evolving at the national and international level. It promotes a positive and constructive culture among the youth of today, who will be the socio-political actors of tomorrow. Other countries and OMS s’impliquent d’avantage dans ce domaine en prônant ces initiatives.

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