
The baroque decoration of the Dominican church at Guebwiller and its restoration in 1711, by Patrick Ponsot The church of the convent oft he Dominicans at Guebwiller (Haut-Rhin) is one of those buildings where the "potential" decoration is the object of an impassioned quest. The partial nineteenth-century cleaning of the lower parts dreamed of creating a Rhenish Sixtine Chapel of the fourteenth-century, as it was hoped that more than 1500 square metres of painting would appear. A resumption of work showed that the stratigraphy was not as simple as the neophytes had imagined. A fine baroque decoration was found between the outer level and the expected medieval masterpieces. The continuation of work on the inside of the western facade (2003-2004) showed that the situation was even more complicated than the first soundings had led to believe, as a 'restoration' of the baroque decoration had occurred in the early eighteenth century. The questions raised by this restoration, from both the technical and theoretical points of view (what do we discover ? what do we insist on preserving and presenting ?), are the subject of this article.

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