
Purpose. The purpose of the work is to emphasize the role of law enforcement agencies of a democratic state in maintaining law and order and to improve the concept and list of law enforcement agencies. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of available scientific and theoretical materials and formulations from relevant conclusions and proposals. The following methods of scientific knowledge were used during the work: terminological, logical-semantic, functional, systemic-structural, logical-normative. Results. In the research process, it was determined that law enforcement bodies are state bodies that operate in the system of state authorities and perform official functions in accordance with the requirements of legislation in various spheres of activity within and outside the state, in accordance with their powers and in compliance with the rules established by law and procedures, in order to protect and ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, legality and law and order. Originality. In the process of research, it was established that modern legal science pays great attention to the activities of law enforcement agencies and the process of reforming law enforcement systems. However, at the theoretical level, there is currently no unified opinion in the scientific community regarding the concept of "law enforcement agencies", the criteria for classifying a particular agency as law enforcement, its institutions, types, as well as the legislative definition of law enforcement agencies. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in theoretical and legal activities and fixed at the legislative level, the concept of "law enforcement agencies" can be fixed in a separate normative legal act or in the legislation on a separate law enforcement agency of Ukraine.

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