
Law enforcement carried out by law enforcement officials in the criminal justice system is one of the efforts that can protect the community from various forms of criminal acts that violate protect the public from various forms of criminal acts that violate the provisions of the regulations that have been made. Related to law enforcement against the perpetrators of plantation land clearing by burning which often occurs in Indonesia, especially Riau Province, then the police have a very important role in terms of enforcing the law so as to create equitable law enforcement. The results of research on Environmental Law Enforcement in relation to with Criminal Law, namely related to Legal Substance in Article 69 paragraph (1) letter H of Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Protection and Management of the Environment regarding the prohibition of land clearing. Management of the Environment regarding the prohibition of land clearing by burning and actions against the perpetrators to enforce the law. And Environmental law enforcement in Indonesia is affected by 3 (three) aspects, namely Legal Products, Legal Systems and Political Risks that are always changing changes. The conclusion of law enforcement is not allowed to burn land for any reason, especially for plantation land, be it individual or corporate plantations. Individual or corporate plantation land, the legal basis for this prohibition is found in the Criminal Code. the prohibition is contained in the Criminal Code (KUHP) Article 187, Law No. 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry, Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Protection and Management of the Environment (UUPPLH), Law number 39 Year 2014 About Plantation.

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