
Abstract Body shape and meristic characters are highly variable phenotypic aspects in fish, and in most cases are related to phylogeography, environmental factors and life history patterns. Our main goals here were to evaluate morphological and meristic characters in five populations of the catfish Hatcheria macraei living at different latitudes across Patagonia, and to assess the importance of environmental and phylogenetic variables in determining body shape. The present study reveals great morphological variation among populations distributed along the latitudinal gradient. We found that the highest levels of variation in external morphological features were in peduncle height, dorsal fin length and anus position. This variation in body shape, quantified by geometric morphometrics, was mostly explained by the phylogenetic relationship between populations, stream gradient and spawning temperature. In contrast, the meristic characters, such as vertebral and fin ray numbers, except for dorsal fin ray number, were negatively related to latitude and positively to spawning temperature.

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