
Introduction It is uncertain if disparities in asthma diagnosis between Latino and non-Hispanic white children stem from differences in diagnosis over time among children presenting with similar clinical scenarios suggestive of asthma. Methods We evaluated the odds of International Classification of Disease (ICD)-coded asthma diagnosis in Latino (English and Spanish preferring) and non-Hispanic white children, overall (N = 524,456) and among those presenting with possible asthma indicators (N = 85,516) over a 13-year period, using electronic health record data from a multi-state network of community health centers. Results Among those with possible asthma indicators, Spanish-preferring Latinos had lower adjusted odds of ICD-coded asthma diagnosis compared to non-Hispanic whites (OR = 0.87, 95%CI = 0.77-0.99); English-preferring Latinos did not differ from non-Hispanic whites. Differences in ICD-coded diagnosis between ethnicity/language groups varied by presenting symptom. Conclusions Spanish-preferring Latino children may be less-likely to have ICD-coded asthma documented in the EHR when presenting with certain clinical indicators suggestive of asthma. Clinicians should be cognizant of the need for the follow-up of these indicators in Spanish-preferring Latino children.

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