
Latin terms for earthquake in literary and epi graphic sources during the Roman age?. This study analy ses the several expressions used to denominate earthquakes in the Roman period. It is a new inquiry into the research on the Latin language and it is characterized by the comparison of different sources. The first part shows the several sub stantives and verbs used for earthquake in Latin literary sources. In this way it is possible to realize that Latin au thors used various terms during the different moments of the Roman age. The second part of the study provides a catalogue of all Latin inscriptions that directly depict an earthquake. Most texts speak about reconstructions of build ings made by Emperors, state and municipal officials, local notables and which were destroyed by an earthquake. In this case it is also possible to realize the use of characteristic formulas, but there are not many in comparison with the va riety of literary sources. It is interesting that these inscrip tions are concentrated only in particular zones of the empire (in the West more than in the East, in Italy more than in the provinces) and they are more spread in some centuries than

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