
The acquisition of images minutes or even hours after intravenous extracellular gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) administration ("Late/Delayed Gadolinium Enhancement" imaging; in this review, further termed LGE) has gained significant prominence in recent years in magnetic resonance imaging. The major limitation of LGE is the long examination time; thus, it becomes necessary to understand when it is worth waiting time after the intravenous injection of GBCA and which additional information comes from LGE. LGE can potentially be applied to various anatomical sites, such as heart, arterial vessels, lung, brain, abdomen, breast, and the musculoskeletal system, with different pathophysiological mechanisms. One of the most popular clinical applications of LGE regards the assessment of myocardial tissue thanks to its ability to highlight areas of acute myocardial damage and fibrotic tissues. Other frequently applied clinical contexts involve the study of the urinary tract with magnetic resonance urography and identifying pathological abdominal processes characterized by high fibrous stroma, such as biliary tract tumors, autoimmune pancreatitis, or intestinal fibrosis in Crohn's disease. One of the current areas of heightened research interest revolves around the possibility of non-invasively studying the dynamics of neurofluids in the brain (the glymphatic system), the disruption of which could underlie many neurological disorders.

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