
Background. Despite the great efforts made by breeders, late blight remains a paramount cause of significant potato harvest losses. Introgression of various resistance genes from wild Solanum L. species is the main method to increase the resistance in potato cultivars. Field resistance is considered to be more durable than those induced by the action of single R genes. To this end, resistance sources should be selected from а wide range of species under severe natural infection.Material and methods. As the material for evaluation, 1141 accessions of 99 wild potato species belonging to 15 taxonomic series according to the system of J. Hawkes were used. Each accession was assessed for 3–5 years. A 1–9 point scale was employed to score the damage of plants every week starting from the first symptoms of the disease, where 9 meant the absence of any symptoms, and 1 the entirely damaged plant. The plants scoring 6 to 9 points were considered resistant.Results and conclusions. As a result of the long-term field observations, wild potato species, represented in the current evaluation by numerous accessions, were characterized for foliar resistance to late blight; individual introductions resistant to late blight were also identified. Some of those studied in the 1980s showed high resistance in the end of the 1990s through the 2000s. The highest percentage of resistant accessions/species was identified among the species with areas of distribution in Mexico. A group of Central American species and large part of species with areas of distribution in South America expressed high level of interspecific polymorphism in foliar resistance to late blight.


  • Despite the great efforts made by breeders, late blight remains a paramount cause of signi icant potato harvest losses

  • As the material for evaluation, 1141 accessions of 99 wild potato species belonging to 15 taxonomic series according to the system of J

  • Мнение журнала нейтрально к изложенным материалам, авторам и их месту работы/The journal’s opinion is neutral to the presented materials, the authors, and their employer

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Поражение растении картофеля фитофторозом остается важнои причинои потери урожая. Интрогрессия генов устоичивости к болезни от диких видов Solanum L. Является основным методом придания устоичивости к патогену сортам картофеля. Для большеи эффективности селекционнои работы необходимо выявление источников устоичивости среди широкого ряда видов в условиях жесткого естественного инфекционного фона. Материалом для исследования служил 1141 образец 99 диких видов картофеля, принадлежащих к 15 таксономическим сериям в системе Дж. В результате полевых обследовании выявлены виды, среди которых возможен поиск источников стабильно высокои устоичивости к фитофторозу. Наиболее высокии процент устоичивых образцов наиден среди видов с ареалами в Мексике: в составе большинства из них отмечено преобладание высоко устоичивых образцов. У небольшои части центрально-американских видов и значительнои части видов с ареалами в Южнои Америке наблюдали высокую вариабельность уровня устоичивости ботвы к фитофторозу

Материал и методы
Результаты и обсуждение
Cuneoalata Hawk
Географическое распространение
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