
The influence of regional climate change (CC) on agricultural production variance in the Mediterranean region has been discussed based on the assessment of the last decade. Most of the Mediterranean region has experienced frequent natural disasters, expanding population, increase in temperature, and increase in the surface of the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, the temperature in the Mediterranean area is rising 25% faster than the rest of the globe, and in the summer, it is warming 40% faster than the global average. Climate change can alter the food supply, restrict access to food, and degrade food quality. Temperature rises, changes in precipitation patterns, changes in severe weather events, and decreased water availability, for example, might all result in lower agricultural production. The fact that most Mediterranean nations rely on imported basic foodstuffs adds to the severity of the situation. Instability and insecurity of agricultural supply in the region might lead to massive population movement, transforming most Mediterranean nations into a global source of instability. Based on the experience of similar geographical locations, the article has highlighted the essential elements affecting crop productivity and the five domains of water, ecosystems, food, health, and security. Despite the region’s complexity, the Mediterranean region has been offered an overall assessment that predicts the best strategy for the best solution. Such an attempt describes a methodical integration of scientific discoveries to understand better the combined hazards illustrated by the fact that CC has affected food production, resulting in widespread insecurity. Utilizing current technologies in agricultural production has been recommended to support regional nations in reaching higher yields. The significance of this study could be realized by mitigating climatic shocks through a sustainable food production system to accomplish development goals in vulnerable nations.

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