
The high sensitivity achievable in laser spectroscopic methods allows the extraction of nuclear quantities even of artificially produced short-lived nuclides far off from nuclear stability. By analyzing the hyperfine structure and the isotope shift magnetic dipole moments, the electric quadrupole moments and the change of the nuclear charge radius can be studied. This chapter describes an experiment that was carried out at the GSI on-line mass separator using collinear fast atomic-beam laser spectroscopy. Radioactive lead and thallium isotopes were produced by bombarding natural tungsten targets with oxygen beams. For the lighter thallium isotopes, a tantalum target was used. A special “bunched-beam” mechanism was allowed to enhance the signal-to-background ratio and, in the case of thallium, to study low-spin daughter nuclei from the decay of lead. The chapter further describes the evaluation of the change in nuclear radius from the isotope shift, which depends both on the electronic volume shift and the specific mass shift.

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