
Eighty spin-rovibronic transitions in NH 2 à 2A 1(0, 10, 0) K a =1 ← X̃ 2 B 1(0, 0, 0) K a =0,2 and à 2 A 1(0, 12, 0) K a =0 ← X̃ 2 B 1(0, 2, 0) K a =1 have been observed in the range 28810-29220 cm −1. The spectral resolution (Δν ∼ 0.03 cm −1) of the present investigation has resolved many electron-spin doublets. The observed high-lying Π(0, 10, 0) and Σ(0, 12, 0) vibrational states of NH 2 à 2 A 1 were only subjected to minor perturbations, despite the molecule undergoing a large-amplitude bending vibration. The molecular constants, T = 29036.13(7) cm −1, B = 9.671(6) cm −1, A = 0.93(25) cm −1, and q = 2.25(1) cm −1, of NH 2 à 2 A 1 Π(0, 10, 0) have been obtained from a least-squares fit to the spectroscopicaIly determined spin-rovibronic term values. The spectroscopic constants of NH 2 à 2 A 1Σ(0, 12, 0), T = 32115.9(14) cm −1 and B = 10.33(18) cm −1, have also been determined from the present data.

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