
This research presents the results of the analysis of the translations of different information materials (from Spanish into Ukrainian) carried out by the students of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada (Spain) under the teaching supervision for the II Conference on the Interpretation of the Language of Wine (24-25 April, 2023). In this article we would like to present the results of that enriching experience in many ways, since it offered us a perfect opportunity to approach the study of the peculiarities of the language of wine. It is a specialized language characterized by a series of unique and singular features that make its texts heterogeneous and hybrid. These texts fulfil multiple functions (informative, appellative, aesthetic, to name but a few) and, as a consequence, they bring together the peculiarities of different registers (legal and artistic, among others). Seen from a translatological perspective, the same relevant features make the translation of this typology of specialized texts a challenge, since their uniqueness is based on the fact that they combine a high percentage of terms specific to the field of wine with the complicated syntax and metaphorization of the text.

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