
The results of the projects “Study on Economic Benefits of Shark Diving in Canary Islands (Part I)” and “Overview and Economic Impact of the Activities of Diving with Chondrichthyan in Ca- nary Islands” haven been recently presented. Both studies were developed at the University of La La- guna (Tenerife, Spain) in collaboration with the English consulting New Economics Foundation (NEF). The research included the analysis of the economic benefits related with the presence of these animals and the development of diving activities, and about the attractiveness or interest of these animals for tourism. The final document, entitled “Diving with sharks and rays in Spain: Analysis of its potential in Spain and the economic benefits of the activity in the Canary Islands” (De la Cruz Modino, Esteban et al. 2010), defended the economic value of a variety of species of cartilaginous fish from a contemplative and non-extractive perspective.

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