
X-ray mosaics of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) taken with the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) have revealed extensive diffuse X-ray emission, indicative of hot >= 10^6 K gas associated with this irregular galaxy on scales from ~10 pc to >= 1000 pc. We have selected regions of large-scale (d >= 600 pc) diffuse X-ray emission, such as supergiant shells, the LMC Spur, and the LMC Bar, and examined the physical conditions of the hot gas associated with them. We find that for these objects the plasma temperatures range from kT ~0.15 - 0.60 keV and the derived electron densities range from n_e ~0.005 - 0.03 cm^-3. Furthermore, we have examined the fraction of diffuse X-ray emission from the LMC and compared it to the total X-ray emission. We find that discrete sources such as X-ray binaries and supernova remnants (SNRs) account for ~41% and ~21% of the X-ray emission from the LMC, respectively. In contrast, diffuse X-ray emission from the field and from supergiant shells account for ~30% and ~6% of the total X-ray emission, respectively.

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