
We study light scattering by sodium clusters generated in a metal cell [3] and subjected to an external electrostatic field. Scattered laser light intensities at right angle to the incoming laser beam and with polarization parallel IV and perpendicular IH to that of the laser show two maxima as a function of the electrostatic field (potential of electrode): the central maximum CM for the zero field (V = 0) and the side maximum SM for ca. -60 V (field strength 2400 V/m). This behavior can be understood on the basis of the Mie scattering theory by taking into account electrostatic charging of clusters due to the laser light ionization of the medium (Na2 molecules). The presented model leads to the conclusion that the electrostatic field changes cluster size, mainly due to the influence on the supersaturation of the medium. Clusters are charged with charge proportional to the cluster radius, only at SM clusters are neutral (zero charge). For electrode potential higher than SM clusters are positively charged, for smaller potential (more negative than SM) clusters are negatively charged.

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