
Irregularly shaped, large and clear (“LAC”) glass inclusions are present in plagioclase phenocrysts in several andesitic lavas erupted from Toliman volcano, Guatemala. Their morphology is different from densely spaced, fine-grained glass inclusions that form concentric zones in dusty or cellular textured plagioclase phenocrysts. The large size of LAC inclusions make them suitable for microprobe analysis and average bulk compositions are presented for glasses in 30 phenocrysts from eight lava samples. Their compositions are rhyolitic and in disequilibrium, or “out-range” (Anderson 1976) with respect to whole-rock and groundmass glass compositions. LAC inclusions typically occur in large, tabular plagioclase phenocrysts with relatively uniform, sodic compositions (An 40–54). Compositions of feldspar phenocrysts not containing LAC inclusions range from An 41 to An 81. Petrographic and chemical data support a primary origin for LAC glasses, suggest mixing of mafic and silicic magmas, and also constrain a mechanism for magma mixing. Rapid growth of plagioclase and entrapment of LAC glass occurs during mixing in a vapor-rich silicic liquid under low degrees of undercooling. These conditions are possibly produced in a high-level magma body such as that envisioned by Huppert et al. (1982), where replenishment and subsequent crystallization of a hydrous magma induces density instability and mixing with the resident magma.

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