
The processes and time scales of magma mixing in shallow silicic magma chambers prior to eruptions in the Okinawa Trough (OT) are still poorly understood. Here, we employed in situ major-trace elements and Sr isotopic analyses, coupled with textural investigations, on plagioclase phenocrysts in the mafic magmatic enclaves (MMEs) and their host dacites from the southwestern OT to address this issue. The plagioclase phenocrysts in the MMEs have high An% contents (82–88) and Sr/Ba ratios (7.2–17.2) and relatively unradiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70536–0.70595), suggesting that they crystallized in the chilled basaltic andesitic magma. In contrast, plagioclase phenocrysts in the host dacites show a wide composition range, with An% contents of An47 to An93, Sr/Ba ratios of 3.4–18.0, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70535–0.70791. The plagioclase phenocrysts are zoned, with high-An% cores characterized by resorption textures and mantled by euhedral low-An% rims. The transition between cores and rims is very abrupt, with a decrease of 30 to 40 mol% An. This shift coincides with large and abrupt changes in Sr/Ba ratios. The plagioclase phenocryst rims have low Sr/Ba values (3.4–5.1) and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70632–0.70675) that are similar to those of the whole-rock dacites, suggesting that the plagioclase rims grew from the host dacitic magma. In contrast, Sr isotopes in the plagioclase cores are either radiogenic (0.70724–0.70791) or unradiogenic (0.70535–0.70595) compared with rims, combined with glomerocryst textures, consistent with their derivation from distinct deep mafic crystal mush zones, and were then entrained by ascending melts and transported rapidly to the shallow silicic magma chamber and underwent decompression during ascent, leading to plagioclase core resorption. Mg diffusion calculations indicate that incorporation of the calcic cores into the shallow silicic magma chamber experienced a long pre-eruptive storage (~600 years). The distinct Sr isotopes of the plagioclase, particularly the different compositions of titanomagnetite in the MMEs and host dacites, reflect the mafic magma injection into the silicic magma chamber and formation of the MMEs must have occurred over very short time scales before eruption to inhibit complete re-equilibration, which likely triggered the dacitic magma to finally erupt. Hence, the silicic magma in the southwestern OT contains a crystal cargo with a complex, open-system crystallization history and that magma mixing/mingling is an important process for controlling the chemical and textural diversity of these silicic magmas as well as a likely eruption trigger.

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