
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of the decay of isotropic turbulence and of channel flow has been performed using an explicit second-order unstructured grid algorithm for tetrahedral cells. The algorithm solves for cell-averaged values using the finite volume form of the unsteady compressible Jittered Navier-Stokes equations. The inviscid fluxes are obtained from Godunov's exact Riemann solver. Reconstruction of the flow variables to the left and right sides of each face is performed using least squares or Frink's method. The viscous fluxes and heat transfer are obtained by application of Gauss' theorem. LES of the decay of nearly incompressible isotropic turbulence has been performed using two models for the SGS stresses: the Monotone Integrated Large Eddy Simulation (MILES) approach, wherein the inherent numerical dissipation models the sub-grid scale (SGS) dissipation, and the Smagorinsky SGS model. The results using the MILES approach with least squares reconstruction show good agreement with incompressible experimental data. The contribution of the Smagorinsky SGS model is negligible. LES of turbulent channel flow was performed at a Reynolds number (based on channel height and bulk velocity) of 5600 and Mach number of 0.5 (at which compressibility effects are minimal) using Smagorinsky's SGS model with van Driest damping. The results show good agreement with experimental data and direct numerical simulations for incompressible channel flow. The SGS eddy viscosity is less than 10% of the molecular viscosity, and therefore the LES is effectively MILES with molecular viscosity.

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