
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of laparostomy in the management of patients with severe intra-abdominal infection resulting from colorectal disease. Seven patients, four with inflammatory bowel disease, two with colorectal carcinoma, and one with diverticular perforation, underwent laparostomy during a six-year period for postoperative, severe, intra-abdominal infection. The median age was 42 years, the mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score was 22.7, and the observed mortality was 28.6 percent (2/7 patients). In one patient the laparostomy was closed at 11 days; in all the others the wound was left to heal by granulation and contraction, and two of these later required reconstructive surgery. The median follow-up was three years and seven months. Laparostomy is an effective and practical method of managing patients with severe intra-abdominal infection as a result of colorectal disease.

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