Laparoscopic pancreatic procedures have increased in recent years. However, only a single case of laparoscopic uncinatectomy has been reported to date, performed through an anterior approach. This video presents a hitherto undescribed laparoscopic inframesocolic approach and also an undescribed maneuver to expose the uncinate process. A 39-year-old women had a 16-mm insulinoma in the uncinate pancreas. The patient was placed in the supine position with legs apart. A 30º, 5-mm optic was used, and only a 12-mm trocar was needed. The first maneuver moved the major omentum and transverse colon upward to expose the mesenteric root. The duodenum was identified through the peritoneal sheath and mobilized. The superior mesenteric vein was identified and carefully exposed in the vicinity of the uncinate pancreas. To improve the exposure for the uncinatectomy, a hanging maneuver of the mesenteric root was performed with cotton tape. Intraoperative ultrasound identified the tumor and defined the limits of the resection. An inferior pancreaticoduodenal vein was sectioned between clips, and the uncinate process was dissected from the retropancreatic fascia. The transection was performed with a reinforced endostapler. The specimen was dragged into a bag and removed through the 12-mm orifice, which did not have to be enlarged. No drain was left. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 3. No early or late surgical complications were observed. At this writing 1 year after the procedure, the patient has lost 35 kg and shows a normal body mass index. She remains asymptomatic with normal blood sugar levels. Laparoscopic resection of the uncinate process of the pancreas is feasible and safe. The inframesocolic approach is easy to perform and achieves an optimal exposure that is improved with a hanging maneuver of the mesenteric root.
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