
This article examines the national-cultural lines of Uzbek dance, the language of subject dances, and their movements. Therefore, along with many other intangible cultural heritage values, it is necessary to pass on to future generations the rich experience accumulated in the art of Uzbek national dance. "Preservation of the art of dance, which embodies national values, customs, and traditions, as an ancient source of our spirituality and culture, the restoration of its disappearing forms and movements, terms, the nature of dance, its structure, performance features, objects, clothing, and jewelry. The scientific study of the role of performance in complement, refinement, and bleaching is one of the urgent tasks facing the executive choreographer, organizer, and researchers working in the field of dance. To this end, one of the important issues facing the scientific community is to improve the textual and video recording system of dance performances, as well as the creation of special terminology.

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