
Dance art comes into spotlight as a new source of value creation in the 21st century`s cultural age. A variety of dance works appear on the stage, but there is neither an appropriate documentation of dance performance nor a well-managed archives system for that. Unlike art or the audio-vidual arts, the field of dance desperately requires a well-functioning archives system that could ensure the success of documentation, restoration and database building, and a new approach should be taken when the system is set up. Materials of dance art are part of important cultural assets and historical materials that affect the artistic value and position of a country, and the construction of a dance archives makes it possible to set up a network of cultural resources in the field of dance. Furthermore, that is mandatory for cultural and art education for people in general and for the creation of new culture and art. The purpose of this study was to suggest efficient ways of setting up an dance art archives in light of the importance of it in an effort to guarantee the efficiency of the management of dance art materials, which were part of national assets. The findings of the study were as follows: First, a database should be set up to cover all the materials linked to dance and relevant fields of culture and art. Second, a dance archives should function as a multiplex, compound cultural space instead of merely providing users with information. One of the strategies to make it happen is display of dance archives and the preparation of educational programs. Third, a digital archives should be built. In the future, the value and importance of a digital archives will gain in importance as a way to properly respond to surrounding environments that there are rapid changes in the production, management and distribution of information.

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