
The present paper is devoted to the problem of study of the language means of realization of rhetorical strategies of business communication in their correlation with zones of influence of a human being. The business strategies – informative, regulative-directive, argumentative-persuasive, manipulative, of positive self-representation – and their correlation with zones of influence of a human being: rational-logical, volitional, psycho-emotional, moral-axiological, and aesthetic-imagery have been researched. The purpose of the paper is to find out correlations of rhetorical strategies and tactics of business communication and zones of influence of a human being. The object of study is rhetorical strategies and tactics of business communication and their correlations with zones of influence of a human being. The subject of the study is language means of realization of rhetorical strategies and tactics of business communication in their correlations with zones of influence of a human being. The methods applied include rhetorical, contextual, and discourse-analysis, methods of classification and systematization. Business communication is organized on the principles of co-operation and politeness. Its intentional nature molds business genre forms and influences the choice of rhetorical strategies and tactics. Rhetorical strategies and tactics, which are realized in certain language means, correlate with rational-volitional-emotional sphere of a human being. The perspectives of the research are to conduct a rhetorical analysis of the academic communication and to approve the results of the research at practical teaching of academic and business talk to Master students.

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