
The article presents a linguo-cultural analysis of modern prose works on migration-resettlement. The basis of the research methodology is the formation of lexical-thematic and lexical-grammatical groups, associative-semantic microfield "language", related to the socio-cultural reflection "one's own - another's". Stylistic functions, value-asciological content of names of persons by national and ethnic affiliation, names of immigrants as foreigners, names of products, dishes, drinks, as well as folklore are noted. The stylistic functions of grammatical stylists - conceptual epithets that specify the national-cultural and territorial identity of the characters - are separated. Emphasis is placed on the specific role of intimating pronouns that reflect the socio-cultural reflection of "one's own - another's". Emphasis is placed on the sociolinguistic aspects of contexts-dialogues about language, forms of proper names, which reflect the confusion of linguistic and cultural codes. It is concluded that the characters, according to the authors of modern migrant literature, are endowed with various civilizational identities, among which the national one is indicative. The linguosophy of migrationism is aimed at the subjectivization of the life of an ethnos (ethnoses), nations, countries, through the multitude of representations of which cognitive, emotional, behavioral, ritual features of linguistic and cultural consciousness objectified in generalized-image constructs appear. Emphasis is placed on the sociolinguistic aspects of contexts-dialogues about language, forms of proper names, which reflect the confusion of linguistic and cultural codes. It is concluded that the characters, according to the authors of modern migrant literature, are endowed with various civilizational identities, among which the national one is indicative. The linguosophy of migrationism is aimed at the subjectivization of the life of an ethnos (ethnoses), nations, countries, through the multitude of representations of which cognitive, emotional, behavioral, ritual features of linguistic and cultural consciousness objectified in generalized-image constructs appear.

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