
The article deals with morphology-derivational aspect of analytization tendencies, which are evidenced by the active use of analytical derivation, in particular complex lexemes not typical for the Russian language. Analytical constructions become active in the modern Russian literal language which evidences appearance of a stratum of affix-root word components in the language system with system bounds. It is affirmed that analytical constructions is a significant part of the vocabulary fixed by dictionaries proving Russian lexical innovations. This illustrates a prominent function of analytical constructions in the modern linguistic consciousness: many aspects of the modern Russian life are reflected in affixoids semantics; the displayed cognitive matrix “Russian society” has different cognitive contexts, disclosing language priorities, reflecting the tastes adequate to modern Russia. Active use of analytical word-building models, characterized by significant structural-semantic morpheme discreteness, evidences weakening of traditional morphonologic mechanisms and introduction of a different grammatical system to traditional synthetic performance. The purpose of the article is to determine activity of analytical compounds, study the process of analytization of the Russian language system in the aspect of the national cultural world view. It has been proved that at the modern stage of the Russian language development there is a necessity to study this language phenomenon beyond the traditional system-structural paradigm, which necessitates to pay attention to the character of the contemporary national cultural world view, determine its peculiarities in Russian ethnological linguistic culture.

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