
The article is devoted to analytical forms and constructions of the Russian language. The relevance of the work, which is explained by the strengthening of analytical trends in modern Russian, is substantiated. Analytical forms and constructions are defined as grammatical difficulties in language learning by foreign students. The main manifestations of analyticism in the grammatical system of the modern Russian language are analyzed. The main difficulties of assimilation of analytical forms and structures are revealed. The optimal approach to overcome such difficulties is proposed. The main means to overcome the difficulties associated with the assimilation of analytical forms and structures of the language, as well as the means for forming grammatical skills are: preliminary listening to the material, imitating in speech, the uniformity of phrases and the regularity of their repetition, action by analogy, “relative” error-free actions, various methods automation and speech performance. The introduction of a new grammatical phenomenon is based on a communicative approach to language learning. At the stage of presentation of analytical forms and constructions, attention should be paid to the formulation of rules-instructions and rules-generalizations, which must be built in accordance with the following requirements: functional orientation, adequacy, scientific, generalization, accessibility, and guidance. Taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian language grammar structure, the existence of analytical forms and constructions, difficulties in their study as well, it is expedient to introduce a presentation of new grammar constructions using additional tables and systematizing the material periodically. We are convinced that in educational materials for foreign students, each language fact must receive a detailed methodological description in different plans: from the point of view of its place in the system of language phenomena, functioning in speech, use in receptive and productive speech actions, “servicing” communicative tasks, conditionality non-linguistic factors, correlation with the facts and the system of the native language for the student.


  • Стаття присвячена аналітичним формам і конструкціям російської мови

  • The article is devoted to analytical forms and constructions of the Russian language

  • The relevance of the work, which is explained by the strengthening of analytical trends in modern Russian, is substantiated

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Стаття присвячена аналітичним формам і конструкціям російської мови. Проаналізовано основні прояви аналітизму у граматичній системі сучасної російської мови. Певні утруднення пов’язані з вивченням аналітичних форм і конструкцій російської мови іноземними студентами. Актуальність роботи пояснюється посиленням аналітичних тенденцій у сучасній російській мові; пов’язаними з цим процесом граматичними труднощами у вивченні мови іноземними студентами; усвідомленням важливості правильного формування граматичного механізму мовлення.

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