
The condition of Karanganyar Regency is formed by fragile and volcanic rocks weathered soil thickness and supported by high rainfall is a condition that has the potential to cause landslides. increasing population and intensive land use led to high risk of landslides. Landslides have occurred many times in the district Karanganyar. A combination of anthropogenic and natural factors often becomes cause of landslides that killed local residents and property loss. Large landslides have occurred in Karanganyar on December 26, 2007 which claimed 62 people died world. Landslide risk analysis research was carried out by entering several main components, namely hazard, susceptibility, and capacity. A qualitative approach was applied to carry out the analysis in the districts Karanganyar. The output of this study is a landslide risk map. Avalanche risk analysis was carried out at 3 selected locations experience landslides and the potential for such disasters in the Regency Karanganyar. The results of research on this topic are expected to be able to socialized so that local governments are able to develop plans sustainable development.

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