
Over time, the evolution of plastic presence in natural sites can be summarized in a few words: from artistically „plastic new-wave”, to plastic “land-art” creations, to nowadays recycled plastic constructions. During 1970-1980, the pollutant plastic was accepted and have become very fashionable and a „model” of living. The accelerated pollution, with huge plastic accumulation in the environment, has forced us to revise our attitude towards plastic. We have reached a higher degree of human conscience and discernment: we must carry out numerous international situations in landscape regeneration of polluted areas, especially those with more plastic waste. Scientists try to decompose plastic, but the „last forever” plastic does not biodegrade, does not decompose in organic compounds. When it is melted the compound gas that is gives off is very harmful to our environment, it weakens the ozone layer. However, it is more easily and not expensive to be recycled in a sustainable manner, than to produce more plastic from waste plastic. A sustainable way to recycle plastic is to build using PET bottles (Pawley, 1982; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottle_wall). Plastic bottles constructions do not represent a new idea. Until nowadays the system is already experienced in urban and rural areas, for small and big buildings, as greenhouses, dwellings, schools, temples, etc. (Warmke, 2008). Many of these projects have a sustainable reason, having a strong social focus, fortifying an environmental consciousness to urban and rural inhabitants, in order to provide solutions for their trash management problems. It is cheap to recycle, it is not easily disposable, but the citizens will learn how to clean and build using trash for benefit rather than for health risks. Recycling plastics from natural sites in a landscaping manner is a topical subject not addressed so far in many researches (Krauel, 2006). This paper proposes ideas for recycling plastic waste, plastic garbage, in a sustainable manner with a prominent multiple roles: creating exterior furniture as benches, multifunctional walls, etc. or using plastic as banking-up material. These are creative options for implementing multiple regeneration of degraded and polluted natural areas. The study aims as final result actually create attractive, healthy, clean and streamlined on multiple levels areas, using in a creative, useful and profitable manners the plastic waste.

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