
The landscape genre is painting and contemplation through the creation of the architect and professor, doctor of architecture, associate professor Eugen Bognibov, from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Urbanism and Architecture, Technical University of Moldova. The landscape was certainly one of the favorite types of painting of professional artists, but also for lovers of beauty. The predilection of the architect and painter Eugen Bognibov for the landscape genre can be explained by the fact that the Moldovan lands offer an enormous variety of views and possibilities to practice the landscape: reliefs, forested hills, hills, steppes, roads winding through vineyards, and orchards, cities and villages, water pools, architectural monuments of stone and wood, a true cultural heritage of the country. And the author remarks that the painting dedicated to the architect and professor Eugen Bognibov represents the state of lyricism and harmony, is the link between man and nature, which is distinguished by the colorful freshness of urban, rural, forest landscapes, etc. Various painted views of the historical area of his hometown, Chisinau, images of the morning city bathed in the rays of the generous sun or landscapes near the village of Butuceni, etc. Therefore, the motivation for painting and landscape became for the architect Eugen Bognibov, a free manifestation of his creation through paintings with saturated colors, works presented in various exhibitions


  • Journal of Social SciencesA. Munteanu zugrăvite din zona istorică a orașului natal, Chișinău, imagini a orașului matinal scăldat în razele soarelui generos sau peisaje din preajma satului Butuceni etc

  • We notice that the consolation through painting for some artists is focused on the aesthetic side of the landscape, for them, artists, nature is an "attractive material for contemplation", a reason for joy, "a force that stimulates life"[1, p. 163; 3]

  • The predilection of the architect and painter Eugen Bognibov for the landscape genre can be explained by the fact that the Moldovan lands offer an enormous variety of views and possibilities to practice the landscape: reliefs, forested hills, hills, steppes, roads winding through vineyards, and orchards, cities and villages, water pools, architectural monuments of stone and wood, a true cultural heritage of the country

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Journal of Social Sciences

A. Munteanu zugrăvite din zona istorică a orașului natal, Chișinău, imagini a orașului matinal scăldat în razele soarelui generos sau peisaje din preajma satului Butuceni etc. Motivația pentru pictură și peisaj a devenit pentru arhitectul Eugen Bognibov, o manifestare liberă a creației sale prin tablourile cu culori saturate, lucrări prezentate în diverse expoziții. Cuvinte-cheie: artist, peisaj, natură, pictură, arhitectură, culoare

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