
The present study was envisaged mainly to ascertain the influence of aquaculture on salinization of coastal groundwater resources in the Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu located between 11°30'N–11°20'N and 79°38'E–79°48'E. Watershed-based multidisciplinary approach combining GIS and Remote Sensing, and hydro-geochemistry has been applied. The land-use study revealed that though aquaculture was initiated after 1991, the groundwater quality in some locations showed elevated total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity content during that time itself, supporting the fact that aquaculture has been initiated in in situ saline area. Land-use change dynamics showed no defined relationship between area of culture and the groundwater quality, indicating that there was no salinity build-up due to shrimp farming. Besides major chemical compositions, the hydro-geochemical analysis using Chadha’s plot suggests that reverse ion exchange is dominant in the study area due to the natural geological condition and it controls the groundwater quality rather than sea water incursion to a large extent. Thus these analyses clearly bring out the fact that shrimp farming is not the main reason for the source of salinity in the study area.

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